Is Behringer System 55 Good?

The Behringer System 55 is a highly acclaimed and widely praised modular synthesizer that offers an unbeatable combination of vintage charm, affordability, and compactness. As an incredible remake of a renowned classic, this system brings a touch of nostalgia along with modern functionality. Designed with the utmost attention to detail, the modules feel solid and sturdy, ensuring optimal performance and longevity. Moreover, the accompanying case offers ample space for expanding your setup with additional modern Eurorack modulators and triggers, allowing for endless sonic exploration and experimentation. So, if you've been contemplating whether this system is truly good, rest assured that the Behringer System 55 is a top-notch choice that will undoubtedly satisfy your every sonic desire.

What Is Behringer Model 15 Based On?

The Behringer Model 15 is a modular synthesizer that’s based on the iconic Moog Model 15/35/55 circuitry. Moog is renowned for it’s high-quality and legendary synthesizers, and Behringer has taken inspiration from the rich heritage of Moogs modular systems to create their own version.

Behringer, founded by Uli Behringer in Germany in 1989, has established itself as a reputable audio equipment company over the years. They offer a wide range of products including synthesizers, mixers, audio interfaces, and amplifiers. While originally a German manufacturer, Behringer now produces it’s equipment in China.

The Model 15 is a testament to Behringers commitment to providing affordable alternatives to high-end synthesizers.

Based on the legendary Moog Model 15/35/55 circuitry, it combines the best of both worlds by delivering high-quality sound and extensive modulation capabilities at a more affordable price point.

A Brief Overview of the Moog Model 15/35/55 and It’s Significance in the History of Synthesizers

The Moog Model 15/35/55 is a series of analog modular synthesizers designed by Robert Moog in the 1960s. These synthesizers played a crucial role in shaping the future of electronic music and are considered iconic in the history of synthesizers. The Model 15 was the first modular synth released by Moog, followed by the Model 35 and the Model 55, which expanded on the capabilities of it’s predecessors.

These modular synthesizers featured a patchable design, allowing musicians to create unique sounds by connecting various modules together. The Moog Model series contributed to the development of modern-day synthesizers by introducing concepts like voltage-controlled oscillators, envelope generators, voltage-controlled filters, and other essential modules.

With their powerful sound generation capabilities and flexible modulation options, the Moog Model 15/35/55 became popular among pioneers of electronic music, including musicians like Keith Emerson, Wendy Carlos, and Kraftwerk. These synthesizers are highly regarded for their warm analog sound, expressive controls, and their significant influence on the evolution of electronic music.

The Behringer System 55 pays homage to the Moog Model 15/35/55 series by recreating it’s distinctive sound and design. While the Behringer version is more accessible in terms of cost and availability, it aims to capture the essence of the original Moog models, allowing musicians to explore the vintage analog sound in a modern context.

Behringer, the renowned audio equipment manufacturer, has recently provided a sneak peek into their ambitious lineup of upcoming synthesizers. With already 27 synths unveiled and more than 50 in the works, their range showcases a diverse collection of instruments. From compact analog machines influenced by the iconic Roland Jupiter-8 to faithful replicas of the legendary Yamaha CS-80, Behringer is set to make a significant impact in the world of electronic music production.

What Is Behringer Working On?

Behringer has been making waves in the music production industry with it’s ambitious plans and varied lineup of synthesizers. One of the most talked-about projects is the Behringer System 55, which has generated a lot of curiosity among synth enthusiasts. This analog modular system aims to recreate the iconic sound and functionality of the legendary synthesizers from the 70s.

For instance, they’ve announced plans for a series of synths inspired by the classic Roland Jupiter-These miniature versions promise to deliver the same sonic power and versatility in a compact and affordable package.

Another exciting project from Behringer is their recreation of the Yamaha CS-80, a synthesizer that’s highly regarded for it’s lush and expressive sound. The Behringer version aims to capture the essence of the original while offering modern enhancements and affordability.

In total, Behringer has revealed details about more than 27 synths on their Facebook page, with rumors suggesting that they’re working on over 50 different models. This demonstrates the companys commitment to providing musicians with a diverse range of options, catering to various musical styles and preferences.

The buzz surrounding Behringers projects is largely due to their focus on affordability. While vintage analog synths can be extremely expensive and hard to find, Behringer aims to make these iconic sounds accessible to a wider audience. They strive to strike a balance between quality and affordability, allowing more musicians and producers to enjoy the sonic capabilities of these classic instruments.

Whether youre a seasoned synth enthusiast or a curious beginner, Behringers offerings promise to deliver the sound and experience that’s captivated musicians for decades.

The Behringer Pro-800 is a new addition to the company’s lineup of affordable synths, paying homage to the iconic Sequential Prophet-600. Marcus Schmahl has gotten his hands on this polyphonic wonder and is ready to share his thoughts. With an aim to capture the essence of the Prophet-600 while incorporating modern additions, let’s delve into what makes this synth stand out.

What Is the Behringer Pro-800 Based On?

The Behringer Pro-800 is a polyphonic synthesizer that’s based on the classic Sequential Prophet-600. This modern incarnation from Behringer pays homage to the iconic Prophet-600 while adding a few new features to enhance the user experience.

Marcus Schmahl, a seasoned music producer and synth enthusiast, recently had the opportunity to review the Behringer Pro-800. He was impressed with the build quality and attention to detail in this affordable synth. The sturdy chassis and robust knobs and buttons gave it a professional feel, reminiscent of the original Prophet-600.

One of the standout features of the Pro-800 is it’s versatile oscillator section. It offers a range of waveforms, including traditional shapes like sawtooth, triangle, and pulse, as well as waveshaping options for creating unique and complex sounds. The addition of sub-oscillators allows for even more sonic possibilities, adding depth and richness to the sound palette.

Schmahl also praised the Pro-800s filter section, which is an integral part of the Prophet-600s distinctive sound. The resonant low-pass filter is capable of warm and smooth tones, as well as more aggressive and biting sounds when pushed to it’s limits. The addition of a filter envelope generator and a separate LFO for modulation provides even more creative options.

In terms of performance and playability, Schmahl found the Pro-800 to be a joy to use. The keyboard felt solid and responsive, and the intuitive layout of the control panel made it easy to navigate and tweak sounds on the fly. The inclusion of a sequencer and arpeggiator adds to the Pro-800s versatility, making it suitable for both studio production and live performance.

Comparison of the Pro-800 Filter Section to Other Synthesizers and It’s Impact on the Overall Sound

  • Filter section comparison of Pro-800
  • How it compares to other synthesizers
  • Impact of Pro-800’s filter section on overall sound

Behringer is embracing the demand for vintage analog synthesizers by unveiling it’s latest offering, the Behringer System 55. This new system is a faithful clone of the iconic Moog Modular synthesizer, which revolutionized electronic music with it’s patchable modules and unique sound capabilities. By bundling Moog module clones in their Eurorack format, Behringer aims to make the legendary Moog sound more accessible and affordable for musicians and synth enthusiasts alike. Introducing the SYSTEM-15/35/55, Behringer’s answer to customer requests for a versatile and affordable modular synthesizer system.

What Is the Behringer System 55 a Clone Of?

The Behringer System 55 is a clone of the iconic Moog Modular synthesizer. Behringer has long been known for offering affordable alternatives to high-end gear, and their System 55 is no exception. This new line of modular synths aims to recreate the classic sound and functionality of the Moog Modular, but at a fraction of the cost.

The Moog Modular synthesizer was one of the first commercially available synthesizers in the 1960s. It was a groundbreaking instrument that revolutionized the way musicians create and manipulate sound. The Moog Modular consisted of separate modules that could be connected and patched together using cables. These modules included voltage-controlled oscillators, filters, envelope generators, amplifiers, and more.

While the original Moog Modular systems can cost tens of thousands of dollars, the Behringer clones are priced much more reasonably. This means that more musicians and producers can now have access to the iconic Moog sound without breaking the bank.

Whether youre a seasoned modular synth enthusiast or a beginner just dipping your toes into the world of modular synthesis, the System 55 offers a great value for the money.

Source: Behringer announces SYSTEM-55, SYSTEM-35 and …


The Behringer System 55 is indeed a good choice for those seeking an incredible remake of a vintage classic without breaking the bank. This impressive modular synthesizer offers a more compact form factor compared to it’s predecessor, making it a great option for musicians with limited space. The case also provides ample room to incorporate modern eurorack modulators and triggers, giving you even greater creative possibilities.

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